No Strings Attached: The Use of Puppets in Drama Therapy

Naomika Saran
2 min readJan 28, 2022

The use of Puppets in therapy is a widely used method of therapy for many children. Often, talking about feelings or expressing oneself can be a daunting task. In these cases, therapists employ methods that enable the child to communicate in a manner that is easy for them, that gives them the space to allow free self-expression and spontaneity. It assists the child in being able to narrate their experiences, while creating an atmosphere that helps the child feel safe and captivated.

Puppets allow the child to explore challenging topics from a safe distance by interacting creatively with them, they may also be used to convey stories, whether they are based on imagination or truth. Children may find that some experiences are painful to talk about, when they are able to talk about those experiences through a character, it can give the therapist insights into their minds.

Puppets can be used for narration, but they can also be interacted with. One can talk to them, even take on the role of someone they know through their puppet. These activities help the child figure out suitable actions for themselves. They are able to be in new situations with ease by acting through puppets, and can talk to puppets. Each interaction can be revealing about their personality, traumas, or other conditions that may hamper their communication.

Through the use of puppets, therapists can also aid interventions with children. Teaching them adaptive behavior, or helping them acquire emotional vocabulary can be made easy with puppet exercises!

Some therapists believe that letting a child create their own puppets is also an important part of using puppets in drama therapy. By personalizing a puppet, a child can feel closer to it, and more comfortable, vulnerable and honest in their reactions through it.

Since we use these exercises to heal, it is also critical to provide a variety so that each child feels represented in treatment. Puppets may be manufactured in a number of forms and sizes, as well as with or without sound. This could help a child feel confident or comfortable.

A nonverbal child, for example, may be drawn to a silent puppet.

Exercises that involve the use of puppets in drama therapy could be carried out alone or in groups. It has proved to be an effective method of treatment for children who are learning to cope. By giving them control over the puppet, in some ways, they are given control of their narrative, a change that leads to drastic improvements in any person.

